Dental emergencies can cause a lot of pain, discomfort, and swelling and even lead to more serious issues later. However, what exactly is a dental emergency?

It’s critical to understand the difference between a minor dental problem that can wait until the next day and a genuine trouble that could endanger your health and therefore, demands an urgent visit to a dentist near you. Let’s get to know about the dental crises that require attention:

Signs of Dental Problems

The signs of dental problems differ from person to person and depending on where they are and how severe they are, you need to find an emergency dentist near you. The symptoms are as follows:

  • Tooth Sensitivity
  • Consumption of something hot or cold might cause mild to severe pain
  • Obvious gaps between your teeth
  • Sudden tooth pain or toothache
  • White, brown, or black staining on the surface of the tooth
  • It hurts to bite down

When To See Your Emergency Dentist

  • Bleeding Gums

The accumulation of plaque on the gums is the main cause of bleeding gums. This will direct to inflamed gums, often known as gingivitis. The plaque will solidify into tartar if it is not cleared. Additional bleeding and periodontitis, a more serious form of gum and jaw bone disease, will ensue from this.

  • Knocked Out Tooth

Get your knocked-out tooth replaced as soon as possible by visiting a dentist. As opposed to attempting to replace a baby’s teeth, take your kid to the dentist directly. Place an adult tooth in milk and call your regular dentist’s clinic if you are unable to position it.

  • Jaw Pain

Your quality of life may be impacted by jaw discomfort, ranging from minor to severe. Jaw pain can be brought on by a variety of things, including teeth grinding, gum disease, and toothaches. But, it could also be a sign of a more serious problem, such as a heart attack or a broken or dislocated jaw.

  • Toothache

A toothache is a pain that occurs in or near a tooth. A short gum irritation that you can treat at home can cause minor toothaches. More severe toothaches are brought on by dental and mouth issues that can’t be resolved by self-care and require dental care.

  • Broken Tooth

You shouldn’t ignore a fractured tooth. Even if a fractured tooth doesn’t hurt or irritate you, delaying treatment can put you at risk for other, more serious problems. See your dentist right away if your tooth is fractured, chipped, or broken. Otherwise, you run the risk of further damaging or infecting your teeth, which could lead to eventual tooth loss.

  • Lost Crown

Examining the region is the first step to do after breaking or losing a crown. You can use this to decide if you need to schedule an emergency dental visit or not. Keep hold of the crown if you can. Call your dentist right away. They might advise you to use a temporary denture adhesive to reattach the crown to your teeth. If the crown is still in good shape, a dentist should be able to replace a lost crown on your teeth.

Don’t be upset if you can’t find the crown. You can get a new one.


1. Does emergency dental cost more?

The price of emergency dental care varies depending on the type of emergency. However, it is more expensive than a regular dental visit.

2. How to get emergency dental care?

If you are experiencing any type of dental emergency, call your dentist on their given number.

3. What to do if you break a tooth on the weekend?

In case of dental emergencies on holidays or weekends, call the dental clinic. Patients can often contact an emergency number that offers pre-recorded instructions on how to address a dental emergency.

Schedule Your Appointment with an Emergency Dentist in SE Calgary

In case of emergency, reach out to Heritage Smiles Dental; we’ll connect you with a dentist in SE Calgary. We provide a wide range of treatments to keep your teeth healthy. Our dentists will work together to diagnose the problem and provide the needed solution to it.